Sanskrit word "Gayatri" means "Sat buddi -Righteous Knowledge". Knowledge could of many aspects but for welfare is Righteous.
Gayatri mantra inspires righteous wisdom. Vedas are expansion of Gayatri Mantra.
Gayatri Mantra is combination of syllabi whose resonance has power of increasing Righteous Knowledge.
Chanting of Gayatri Mantra with meaning and Meditating on rising sun has significant spiritual impact.
Swan as vehicle of Gayatri is a symbolic representation of a man with Righteous Power.
Gayatri Mantra
ओ३म् भूर्भुव: स्व: तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं
भर्गोदेवस्य धीमहि धियो यो न: प्रचोदयात्
Om Bhur Bhuvah Swah, Tat Savitur Varenyam
Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi, Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat
Gayatri mantra inspires righteous wisdom : Meaning: The Almighty God may illuminate our intellect, which may lead us on the righteous path.
Gayatri Mantra Benefits
Becoming radiant Divine light is the greatest benefit, but if that’s not enough for you, or you think it’s too far away, along the path to Divinity there are many other benefits that you can enjoy sooner.
Removes obstacles from your life
Protects you from danger
Brightens you mind
Dispels ignorance
Improves communication abilities
Opens your psychic vision
Brings direct knowledge of the eternal truths
This is the most important prayer. The teachings of and the powers incorporated in Gayatri mantra fulfil this purpose. Righteous wisdom starts emerging as soon as Jap of this mantra is taken up as a Sadhana.
The knowledge part of Gayatri Mantra - Gayatri Geeta: Gayatri Mantra contains ocean of infinite knowledge. The message of Gayatri is most meaningful both from spiritual as well as material point of view. The knowledge of Gayatri is given in form of Geeta here by explaining meaning of all 24 words..
The Glory of Gayatri: Right from Brahma, the Creator of this universe, down to the present era, all the rishis, saints, spiritual seers and seekers have demonstrated the beneficent effects of the chanting of Gayatri mantra..Paeans of praise for Gayatri Mantra: All the Sects, Saints and Rishis have accepted the pre-eminence of Gayatri mantra with one voice. In this link one can refer the statements made by rishis and put in scriptures like Veda etc about Gayatri Mantra.
The Glory of Gayatri
It is difficult to fathom the root cause of the astonishing demonstrations of Gayatri Sadhana. Right from Brahma, the Creator of this universe, down to the present era, all the rishis, saints, spiritual seers and seekers have demonstrated the beneficent effects of the chanting of Gayatri mantra. No other mantra has been worshipped and chanted as much as Gayatri Mantra. Since ages highly elevated souls have been practising Gayatri Sadhana. Thus, a huge mass of highly elevated spiritual energy has been accumulated in subtle celestial spheres (loks) enveloping the earth.
It is a scientific truth that no sound or idea ever perishes. Whatever is uttered or thought today will spread in the space along with its waves and will remain there till infinity in some state or the other. Waves which are most powerful remain specifically alive. Scientists are trying to catch waves set in motion during the Mahabharat battle and those of the music of Tansen. If they succeed, we will be able to listen to sounds of important conversations which took place in ancient times. It will then be possible to listen Geeta directly emanating from the mouth of Lord Krishna. Although, it may not be possible to transform sounds and thoughts into material forms in near future, it is certain that they do not vanish into nothingness. The faith and devotion towards Gayatri which have been nourished by countless persons still exist with all their potentialities in the subtle realm. According to the principle of convergence of all homogeneous elements at one point, the faith, devotion, sentiments and devout austerity of all the devotees have combined to contribute to the accumulation of a huge store of conscious spiritual energy.
Those who are acquainted a little with the science of thinking know that a magnetic field of the type in which a person thinks is created in his mind. This magnetism attracts thoughts of similar nature permeating the entire space and in a short time there is a vast accumulation of similar kinds of thoughts. Persons who think about gentlemanliness become more and more charged with righteous thoughts, virtues, tendencies and nature. In the same way a sinful mind becomes all the more so in a short time. All this happens according to the science of attraction of identical thoughts, according to which thoughts of all divine souls who were devotees of Gayatri right from the beginning of this creation get inter-linked. It is difficult even for a strong man to climb over a high wall but if a ladder or a stair-case is provided, anybody can climb over it easily. With the help of the stair-case built by the devotees of Gayatri in the past we can easily attain the fruits of Gayatri Sadhana .
We get enriched suddenly and spontaneously with all the boons of Gayatri Sadhana for which great seekers in the past had put in extremely hard labour. By these past Sadhanas powerful energy fields have been created in the subtle spheres by tuning into which we can march ahead with great speed. A drop of water, when it falls in the ocean, becomes the ocean itself. A person recruited in the army becomes part and parcel of the army. In the same way, a Sadhak who gets linked with the accumulated power of Gayatri derives all its benefits. No other Ved-Mantra possesses so much radiant and puissant energy as Gayatri Mantra. It is for this reason that immense benefits are obtained through Gayatri Sadhana with the least effort.
Even then we find that most of the people do no take advantage of it although they know its importance. A person may have ample money in his possession but if he does not use it and enjoy it, it can only be considered his misfortune. Gayatri is divine knowledge which has been made available by God to us. Rishis and saints have been directing us at every step in the scriptures to take advantage of Gayatri Sadhana. Yet, if we do not perform Sadhana and get its benefit, it our misfortune and nothing else.
Gayatri is Spiritual Triveni
Some instances about the importance of Gayatri have been furnished in the fore-going pages. It is difficult to consolidate and publish all of them. Ganga, Geeta, Gau (cow) and Gayatri, these four are pillars of Indian culture. Every person who believes in Hindu religion reveres them like Mother and feels a special sense of mutual bonding with all others with similar faith.
Gayatri has been called spiritual Triveni. The confluence of Ganga and Yamuna creates an invisible, subtle, divine river which is known as Saraswati and the confluence of these three is known as Triveni. On account of this Triveni, Prayag is called king of all the Teerths. In the same way Gayatri is Triveni of the spiritual world. Its first letter ‘ga’ is suggestive of Ganga, second letter ‘ya’ of Yamuna and third letter ‘tri’ of Triveni. Several trios viz.
(1) Sat, Chit, Anand,
(2) Satyam (truth), Shivam, Sundaram (beauty)
(3) Sat, Raj, Tam,
(4) Ishwar (God) Jeev (soul) Prakriti (quality),
(5) Rik, Yaju, Sam
(6) Brahman, Kshatriya, Vaishya
(7) Gun (virtue), Karma (action), Swabhav (nature),
(8) Shaishav (childhood), Yauvan (youth), Budhapa (old age),
(9) Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh,
(10) Utpatti (creation), Vridhi (growth), Nash (destruction)
(11) Sardi (winter), Garmi (summer) Varsha (rainy season)
(12) Dharma (righteousness), Arth (wealth), Kam (sensual enjoyment),
(13) Akash (space), Patal (nether-most world), Prithvi (earth),
(14) Dev (God), Manushya (man), Asur (demon) etc.
are interwoven and lie embedded in Gayatri chand. One who observes deeply by meditation and contemplation, these trinities gets the same spiritual merit as one gets in the material world by taking a dip in Triveni. These various trios represent various kinds of problems which the Sadhak is required to face and by solving which he attains the ultimate goal of self-realisation.
The three currents of Triveni appear to be vast, deep and daunting. In the same way, Gayatri Sadhana appears to be very difficult. But just as fear disappears and tranquilizing cheerfulness is attained by taking a dip in Triveni, so also by thinking, contemplating and probing deep into various aspects of Gayatri Sadhana a person attains such spiritual insight which inspires him to follow righteous path and ultimately leads him to eternal peace and bliss. Gayatri, undoubtedly, is spiritual Triveni, it is teerathraj because the philosophy underlying it is easy, simple, and intelligible and it leads to perennial happiness.
The importance and glory of Gayatri is infinite. Ved, puran, shastras, history, rishis, saints, house-holders all acknowledge its importance. It has a marvellous power of changing our outlook towards life. If our perverted thinking and mental back-ground are set right, our desires, aspirations, thoughts and sentiments get refined, we can rise higher than even the gods. Gayatri Sadhana can emancipate us from bondage to hellish perversions, of envy, hatred, malice, ill will etc, thus manifesting in our lives the Divine attributes of Satyam, Shivam and Sundram.
Tripada Gayatri
Gayatri has three phases and so it is called tripada. It is also called tripada because it is Vedmata, Devmata and Vishwamata. Vedas have originated from Gayatri mantra and so it is known as Vedmata. It is Devmata because it helps in manifestation of divine virtues (gun), actions (karma) and nature (swabhav). It gives inspiration for establishment of universal family “Vasudhaiva kutumbakam” and so it is known as Vishwamata. It enjoins to regard every human being as one’s own self. It advocates lofty thinking, ideal character and polite behaviour. It is known as Guru-mantra which means that of all the Mantras, it is the best and supreme. Gayatri Mantra was the first lesson to be taught in the schools in the ancient times and students were explained that the purpose of education is to attain spiritual wisdom. It directs cultivation of human dignity and observance of self-imposed rules and regulations. Education and learning are meaningful only if these factors are kept in view. The letters of Gayatri mantra are interwoven in such a manner that by their utterance special vibrations are created and the secret subtle centres of energy within the Sadhak get activated and awakened, manifesting their paranormal potencies.
The Meaning of Gayatri Mantra
Rishis have selected the words of various Mantras and arranged them in such a way that they not only convey some meaning but their chanting also creates specific energies. Gayatri is a mantra which inspires righteous wisdom. It means that the Almighty God may illuminate our intellect, which may lead us on the righteous path. This is the most important prayer. All the problems of a person are solved if he is endowed with righteous wisdom. Having far-sighted wisdom, a man is neither entangled in avoidable calamity nor does he tread a wrong path. A wise man intuitively finds solutions to his problems. Those who lack this clear-sightedness find themselves always facing problems and ever living from crisis it crises. The worship of Gayatri mantra bestows the boon of righteous wisdom. The teachings of and the powers incorporated in Gayatri mantra fulfil this purpose. Righteous wisdom starts emerging as soon as Jap of this mantra is taken up as a Sadhana.
Om bhurbhuvah swah tatsaviturvarenyam bhargo devasya dhimahi dhiyo yo nah prachodayat
Om! Brahma or Almighty God
Bhuh embodiment of vital spiritual energy (Pran)
bhuvah destroyer of sufferings
swah embodiment of happiness
tat that
savituh bright, luminous like the Sun
varenyam best, most exalted
bhargo destroyer of sins
devasya divine
dhimahi may imbibe
dhiyo intellect
yo who
nah our
prachodayat may inspire
In short it is a prayer to the Almighty Supreme God, the Creator of entire cosmos, the essence of our life existence, who removes all our pains and sufferings and grants happiness beseeching His divine grace to imbibe within us His Divinity and Brilliance which may purify us and guide our righteous wisdom on the right path.
A man gets imbued with divine qualities contemplating and meditating on this meaning of Gayatri. One should contemplate on these feelings daily and regularly. Three prayer-filled meditations are given here which should be silently recited and projected on the mental screen through imagination.
1. “The Almighty God, who is known as pranav pervades all the three Lokas, viz, Bhooha-lok, Bhuvaha-lok and Swaha-lok. He is Omnipresent. The cosmos is physical manifestation of God who pervades its each and every particle. I am seeing Him everywhere. I would always refrain from evil thoughts and evil deeds and perform true worship of God by extending cooperation in promoting happiness, peace and beauty in this universe which is His creation”.
2. “This (tat) God is extremely bright (savitur), most exalted (varenyam), devoid of sin (bhargo)and divine (devasya). I visualise this Divinity within me, in my soul. By such contemplation, I am becoming illumined, virtues are growing in all the layers of my being. I am being saturated with these virtues, these characteristics, of God.”
3. “That God may inspire (prachodayat) our (naha) intellect, wisdom (dhiyo) and lead us on righteous path. May our intellect, the intellects of our family members and of all of us, be purified and may He lead us on the righteous path. On getting righteous wisdom, which is the greatest achievement and is the source of all the happiness in this world, we may be able to enjoy celestial bliss in this life and make our human life purposeful.”
We should contemplate and meditate on these three prayer-filled meditations slowly and pausing for a moment on each word and an imaginary picture of that word should be drawn in the mind.
While contemplating upon the first meditation, it should be imagined that God pervades all the three Lokas, the earth, heaven and Patal (nethermost world). God should be visualised pervading these Lokas in the form of light, heat and electricity, life force (Pran) etc. This vast universe is the living physical image of God. The Sadhak should try to visualise in his imagination a glimpse of the All-pervading Omni-present God just as was given to Arjun by Lord Krishna. He should imagine that God is all around him and he is sitting in God’s lap. It should be pondered how evil thoughts and evil actions could remain lodged in his mind and body in the presence of the Omni-potent Divinity. He should imagine that each and every manifestation of this universal Godhead is adorable and that well being lies in selfless service of this universe, this vast humanity and in beautifying God’s creation.
While reflecting on the second meditation, one should imagine the extremely bright and luminous, supremely exalted God adorned with all divine qualities, seated on the throne of Sadhak’s heart. God can be also visualised in the form of Virat Purush.
(2) Ram, Krishna, Vishnu, Gayatri, Sarsvati etc. and
(3) in the flame of a lamp. God can be meditated upon in male or in mother’s form according to one’s own sentiments. God is female as well as male. Gayatri Sadhaks prefer to meditate on the Almighty God in the form of Gayatri Mata. Brilliance, supreme excellence, utmost piety, purity and divine righteousness should be visualised in the beautiful image of Gayatri Mata. It should be imagined that such a beautiful and virtuous divine power permanently dwells in the sadhak’s heart and permeates all the pores of his body.
While thinking on the third meditation, it should be felt that the divine power of Gayatri has caught the intellect and feelings of our head and heart and is guiding them on the path of righteousness. We are pure, concerted and enthusiastic and are getting attained to move in the direction of righteousness with the grace of Gayatri Mata.
These three kinds of prayer filled meditations embodied in Gayatri are symbolic of Gyan-yog, Bhakti -yog and karma-yog. In fact, contemplation of the meaning of Gayatri amounts to immersion in the Triveni of these three kinds of yog.
By such contemplation, the meaning of Gayatri Mantra is fully assimilated in the heart of the Sadhak. The result is that in a short time his mind gets diverted from evil thoughts and evil deeds and he starts taking enthusiastic joy in righteous thinking and good actions. Howsoever little this tendency may be in the beginning it is almost certain that if the practice persists, the inner-self of the Sadhak becomes more and more awakened and the ultimate aim of life draws closer and closer.
Essence of Gayatri in All Religions
Hindu: God is the eternal source of life-force; Supreme embodiment of unalloyed bliss and Almighty destroyer of all worries and vices. Meditate upon the preeminent radiance of His pious inspiring power that will enlighten our intellect and motivate it towards the righteous path of elevation. (Rigveda 3|62|10; Yajurveda 36| 3; Samveda 1462)
Jew: 'O' Jehova (God) Guide me on the path of religion (righteousness); Show me Thou way which is straight, noble and perfect. (Old Testament-Prayers 5|8)
Shinto: 'O' Lord! Our eyes might see indecent things and vices, but our hearts (inner minds) should be free from all evils and impurities. Our ears might hear what is immoral and profane, but our hearts should not perceive anything unholy or wrong. (Japanese Preaching)
Parsi: That Supreme Master (Ahurmazda - God) is the Supreme King because of His pure intelligence and truth. Executing altruist deeds in His name makes us beloved of God.
(Avesta 27|13)
Dao (Taoism): Dao (the Supreme-Self: God) is beyond all perceptions and thoughts. Righteous conduct as per His disciplines is an ideal religion.
(Dao Treatise)
Jainism: Revering salutations to all the Arhantas, the Siddhas, the Acharyas, and the Upadhyays (all of whom are enlightened masters). Revering salutations to all the saintly beings. (Invocation Prayer)
Buddhism: (For ultimate peace and joy) Surrender to buddha - the enlightened awareness; Surrender to dhamma - the inner righteousness; Surrender to Sangha - the collective consciousness. (Diksha Mantra | Trisharanam)
Confucius: Must I behave not what I like others behave not. (Notable Quotes)
Christianity: 'O' Father! Please do not put us under test; Save us from all sins and evils. All the infinite power, noble prosperity and greatness is eternally Thine.
(New Testament 'Matte' 6|13)
Islam: 'Ya Allah!' We pray to you only and need Thou help alone. Show us the righteous path - the path of those who are blessed with Thou light and grace, and not the (wrong) path of those who are unholy and worthy of Thy punishment. (Quran Sura: Al-Phatiha)
Sikh: 'Omkar' (God) is one. Thy name is the ultimate Truth. HE is the creator of Nature, HE is Almighty, absolutely bright and brave. HE could be known only by the blessings of a noble Guru (enlightened divine intellect). (Guru Granth Sahib - Japujee)
Bhahai: 'O' Lord! Refresh and gladden my spirit. Purify my heart. Illumine my powers. I lay all my affairs in thy hand. Thou art my Guide and my Refuge. I will no longer be sorrowful and grieved; I will be a happy and joyful being. 'O' God! I will not longer be full of anxiety, nor will I let trouble harass me. I will not dwell on the unpleasant things of life. 'O' God! Thou are more friend to me than I am to myself. I dedicate myself to thee O Lord.
(Abdu'l-Baha in 'The secret of divine civilization')
Kamdhenu is believed to be the heavenly cow which gives nectar like milk. It is said that gods drink it and always remain in a state of self-satisfaction, happiness and abundance. The speciality of Kamdhenu is that the desire of a person approaching it is instantly fulfilled. Like Kalpa-vriksha, (heavenly tree) Kamdhenu, too, fulfills the desires of those who approach it with pragya and devotion.Kamdhenu is another name of Gayatri. Devata means a person who possesses divine nature. If a person having divine nature worships this great power, he drinks spiritual milk from the breasts of the DivineMother. He is saved from all botherations. The basic nature and char-acteristic of the individual soul is happiness. Its main attribute is toremain bathed in eternal bliss. No sooner does it get rid of ignorance-induced pain and suffering it regains its original nature. Gods in heaven always remain happy. Man can also remain happy in the same manneron this earth if causes of his suffering are removed. Kamdhenu Gayatri removes all the sufferings of her devotees.
Deliverance from Suffering of Three Kinds The causes of all suffering are:
(1) ignorance,
(2) infirmity and
(3) in-adequacy.
A person becomes happy to the extent he is able to re-move these causes of suffering from within him.The outlook of a person about the world gets vitiated on account of ignorance. Being ignorant of his true identity he gets entangled in a false sense of identity with the transient phenomena and becomes unhappy. The feelings of selfishness, self-indulgence, greed, ego, nar-row-mindedness and anger deflect a man from his duty. He abandons far-sightedness, hankers after money, materials, false name and fame - which are all transient and chimerical. Thus he strays away more and more from his true self which is the spark of the Divine.
This separation from the Source is the original sin. Sin automatically results in suffering. On account of ignorance he is unable to understand the basic purpose of his life in this world. Consequently, his hopes, cravings and imaginations know no end. On account of such a perverted out-look normal ups and downs of life make him laugh, cry and weep.Death of a relative, differences in the tastes and temperament of col-leagues, ups and downs and fluctuations in circumstances are all natural but the ignorant man insists that what he wants must always hap-pen and he should never be required to face adverse circumstances.When this does not happen as per his fancies and events unfold contrary to his wishes, he weeps and cries. Thus, ignorance leads to innumerable sufferings.Infirmity means weakness. A man is unable to enjoy his natural basic rights on account of his physical, mental, social, intellectual and spiritual infirmities.
Delicious dishes, beautiful damsels, sweet music, beautiful scenery have absolutely no meaning for a diseased person. He cannot enjoy money and wealth. How can one enjoy the joys of studying literature, poetry, philosophy etc. if he is intellectually bankrupt ?Love, devotion, company of righteous persons and spiritual bliss can hardly be enjoyed by a person who is spiritually bankrupt. Natures law of survival of the fittest works in eliminating the weak. The weak are always harassed and eliminated.
Even positive, factors becomequite unfavourable to such a man. Winter season which adds to thestrength and vigour of strong persons and to the pleasures of an hu-morist becomes the cause for catching pneumonia, gout, rheumatismto a person of weak constitution. Factors which are debilitating forthe weak prove invigorating for the strong. Even mighty emperors feelproud in adopting the figure of a roaring lion as the state emblem oftheir kingdom while the weak bleating goat is killed by wild animals oris sacrificed before the idol of Bhawani. The Infirm, thus, always suf-fer and even favourable factors do not prove helpful to them.Materials security is yet another cause for human suffering. Difficul-ties of several kinds have to be faced on account of scarcity of food, clothing, water, housing, cattle, land, companions, friends, money, medi-cines, books, weapons, teachers etc. and a person has to curtail hislegitimate needs, suppress his feelings and waste his precious life. Evencapable and competent persons feel themselves crippled beaten downfor want of material resources.
Gayatri is Kamdhenu
One who sincerely invokes, adores and worships Gayatri, enjoys pleasures similar to the ones a child feels while sucking nectar like milk of his mother’s breasts. He gets rid of suffering created by ignorance,infirmity and scarcity and all his righteous desires are fulfilled.
Sri Ganesa Gayatri
Om Lambhodaraya vidmahe Mahodaraya deemahi Thanno danthi prachodayath.
Om, Let me meditate on that god with broad paunch
Oh, God with a big belly, give me higher intellect,
And let the elephant faced one illuminate my mind.
Om Ekadanthaya vidmahe Vakrathundaya dheemahi Thanno danthi prachodayath.
Om, Let me meditate on that one tusked God,
Oh, God with broken tusk, give me higher intellect,
And let the elephant faced one illuminate my mind.
Om, Let me meditate on that one tusked God,
Oh, God with broken tusk, give me higher intellect,
And let the elephant faced one illuminate my mind.
Om Thatpurashaya vidhmahe Vakrathundaya dheemahi Thanno danthi prachodayath.
Om, Let me meditate on that great male,
Oh, God with broken tusk, give me higher intellect,
And let the elephant faced one illuminate my mind.
Lord Shiva Gayatri
Om, Let me meditate on that great male,
Oh, God with broken tusk, give me higher intellect,
And let the elephant faced one illuminate my mind.
Om Tat Purushaya Vidhmahe Mahadevaya Dheemahe Thanno Rudra Prachodayath.
Om, Let me meditate on the great Purusha,
Oh, greatest God, give me higher intellect,
And let God Rudra illuminate my mind.
Oh, greatest God, give me higher intellect,
And let God Rudra illuminate my mind.
Om Narayanaya Vidhmahe Vasudevaya Dheemahe Thanno Vishnu Prachodayath.
Om, Let me meditate on Lord Narayana,
Oh, Lord Vasudeva, give me higher intellect,
And let Lord Vishnu illuminate my mind.
Oh, Lord Vasudeva, give me higher intellect,
And let Lord Vishnu illuminate my mind.
Om Daserathaya Vidhmahe Sita Vallabhaya Dheemahe Thanno Rama Prachodayath.
Om, Let me meditate on the son of Dasaratha,
Oh, consort of Sita, give me higher intellect,
And let God Rama illuminate my mind.
Oh, consort of Sita, give me higher intellect,
And let God Rama illuminate my mind.
Om Dhamodharaya Vidhmahe Rukmani Vallabhay Dheemahe Thanno Krishna Prachodayath.
Om, Let me meditate on the god whose belly was tied by a rope,
Oh, consort of Rukhmani, give me higher intellect,
And let God Krishna illuminate my mind.
Oh, consort of Rukhmani, give me higher intellect,
And let God Krishna illuminate my mind.
Om, Let me meditate on the god who takes care of all beings,
Oh, darling of all gopis, give me higher intellect,
And let God Krishna illuminate my mind.
Oh, darling of all gopis, give me higher intellect,
And let God Krishna illuminate my mind.
Nirnajanaya Vidmahe Nirapasaya Dheemahe Thanno Srinivasa Prachodayath.
Om, Let me meditate on the god who is eternal truth,
Oh, God who does not have attachments, give me higher intellect,
And let God Srinivasa illuminate my mind.
Oh, God who does not have attachments, give me higher intellect,
And let God Srinivasa illuminate my mind.
Om Narasimhaya Vidmahe Vajra Nakhaya Dheemahe Thanno Narasimha Prachodayath.
Om, Let me meditate on the god who is the lion man,
Oh, God who has diamond claws, give me higher intellect,
And let God Narasimha illuminate my mind.
Oh, God who has diamond claws, give me higher intellect,
And let God Narasimha illuminate my mind.
Om Vaniswaraya Vidmahe Haya Greevaya Dheemahe Thanno Hayagreeva Prachodayath.
Om, Let me meditate on the god of learning,
Oh, God who has a horse face, give me higher intellect,
And let God Hayagreeva illuminate my mind.
Oh, God who has a horse face, give me higher intellect,
And let God Hayagreeva illuminate my mind.
Om Sudharshanaya Vidmahe Maha Jwalaya Dheemahe Thanno Chakra Prachodayath.
Om, Let me meditate on the holy wheel of Sudharshana,
Oh, Wheel which has great brilliance, give me higher intellect,
And let the wheel illuminate my mind.
Oh, Wheel which has great brilliance, give me higher intellect,
And let the wheel illuminate my mind.
Om Chathur mukhaya Vidmahe Hamasaroodaya Dheemahe Thanno Brahma Prachodayath.
Om, Let me meditate on the God with four faces,
Oh, God who rides on the Swan, give me higher intellect,
And let the Lord Brahma illuminate my mind.
Om Vedathmanaya vidmahe, Hiranya Garbhaya Dheemahi, Thanno Brahma prachodayathOh, God who rides on the Swan, give me higher intellect,
And let the Lord Brahma illuminate my mind.
Om, Let me meditate on The God who is the soul of Vedas,
Oh God, who holds the entire world within you, give me higher intellect,
And let the Lord Brahma illuminate my mind.
Oh God, who holds the entire world within you, give me higher intellect,
And let the Lord Brahma illuminate my mind.
Om That Purushaya Vidhmahe Maha Senaya Dheemahe Thanno Shanmuga Prachodayath.
Om, Let me meditate on that great male,
Oh, commander in chief, give me higher intellect,
And let the six faced one illuminate my mind.
Oh, commander in chief, give me higher intellect,
And let the six faced one illuminate my mind.
Om Mahadevyaicha Vidhmahe Vishnu Pathniyaicha Dheemahe Thanno Lakshmi Prachodayath.
Om, Let me meditate on the greatest goddess,
Oh, wife of Lord Vishnu, give me higher intellect,
And let Goddess Lakshmi illuminate my mind.
Oh, wife of Lord Vishnu, give me higher intellect,
And let Goddess Lakshmi illuminate my mind.
Om Vakdeviyai cha Vidhmahe Virinji Pathniyai cha Dheemahe Thanno Vani Prachodayath.
Om, Let me meditate on the goddess of speech,
Oh, wife of Lord Brahma, give me higher intellect,
And let Goddess Vani illuminate my mind.
Durga Gayatri MantraOh, wife of Lord Brahma, give me higher intellect,
And let Goddess Vani illuminate my mind.
Om Kathyayanaya Vidhmahe Kanya Kumari cha Dheemahe Thanno Durgaya Prachodayath.
Om, Let me meditate on the goddess who is daughter of Kathyayana,
Oh, maiden Goddess, give me higher intellect,
And let Goddess Durga illuminate my mind.
Oh, maiden Goddess, give me higher intellect,
And let Goddess Durga illuminate my mind.
Om Vrishabhanujaye Vidhmahe Krishna priyaya Dheemahe Thanno Radha Prachodayath.
Om, Let me meditate on the daughter of Vrishabhanu,
Oh, darling of Krishna, give me higher intellect,
And let Radha illuminate my mind.
Oh, darling of Krishna, give me higher intellect,
And let Radha illuminate my mind.
Om Janaka Nandinye Vidhmahe Bhumijayai Dheemahe Thanno Sita Prachodayath.
Om, Let me meditate on the daughter of Janaka
Oh, daughter of earth, give me higher intellect,
And let Sita illuminate my mind.
Oh, daughter of earth, give me higher intellect,
And let Sita illuminate my mind.
Om Sahasra nethrayeVidhmahe Vajra hasthaya Dheemahe Thanno Indra Prachodayath.
Om, Let me meditate on the thousand eyed one,
Oh, Lord with Vajra as weapon, give me higher intellect,
And let Indra illuminate my mind.
Oh, Lord with Vajra as weapon, give me higher intellect,
And let Indra illuminate my mind.
Om Aanjaneya Vidhmahe Maha balaya Dheemahe Thanno Hanuman Prachodayath.
Om, Let me meditate on the son of Anjana,
Oh, Very strong one, give me higher intellect,
And let Hanuman illuminate my mind.
Oh, Very strong one, give me higher intellect,
And let Hanuman illuminate my mind.
Om Bhaskaraya Vidhmahe Diva karaya Dheemahe Thanno Surya Prachodayath.
Om, Let me meditate on the Sun God,
Oh, maker of the day, give me higher intellect,
And let Sun God illuminate my mind.
Om Aswadwajaya Vidhmahe Pasa Hasthaya Dheemahe Thanno Surya Prachodayath.Oh, maker of the day, give me higher intellect,
And let Sun God illuminate my mind.
Om, Let me meditate on the god who has a horse flag,
Oh, God who holds the rope, give me higher intellect,
And let Sun God illuminate my mind.
Oh, God who holds the rope, give me higher intellect,
And let Sun God illuminate my mind.
Om Kshira puthraya Vidhmahe Amrithathvaya Dheemahe Thanno Chandra Prachodayath.
Om, Let me meditate on the son of milk,
Oh, essence of nectar, give me higher intellect,
And let moon God illuminate my mind.
Om Padmadwajaya Vidhmahe Hema roopaya Dheemahe Thanno Chandra Prachodayath.Oh, essence of nectar, give me higher intellect,
And let moon God illuminate my mind.
Om, Let me meditate on God who has lotus in his flag,
Oh, God of golden colour, give me higher intellect,
And let moon God illuminate my mind.
Oh, God of golden colour, give me higher intellect,
And let moon God illuminate my mind.
Om veeradhwajaaya vidmahae vighna hastaaya dheemahi tanno bhouma prachodayaat.
Om, Let me meditate on him who has hero in his flag,
Oh, He who has power to solve problems, give me higher intellect,
And let the son of earth God illuminate my mind.
Oh, He who has power to solve problems, give me higher intellect,
And let the son of earth God illuminate my mind.
Om gajadhwajaaya vidmahae sukha hastaaya dheemahi tanno budha: prachodayaat.
Om, Let me meditate on him who has elephant in his flag,
Oh, He who has power to grant pleasure, give me higher intellect,
And let Budha illuminate my mind.
Oh, He who has power to grant pleasure, give me higher intellect,
And let Budha illuminate my mind.
Om vrishabadhwajaaya vidmahae kruni hastaaya dheemahi tanno guru: prachodayaat.
Om, Let me meditate on him who has bull in his flag,
Oh, He who has power to get things done, give me higher intellect,
And let Guru illuminate my mind.
Oh, He who has power to get things done, give me higher intellect,
And let Guru illuminate my mind.
Om aswadhwajaaya vidmahae dhanur hastaaya dheemahi tanno shukra: prachodayaat.
Om, Let me meditate on him who has horse in his flag,
Oh, He who has a bow in his hand, give me higher intellect,
And let Shukra illuminate my mind.
Oh, He who has a bow in his hand, give me higher intellect,
And let Shukra illuminate my mind.
Sanishwara Gayatri (Saturn)
Om kaakadhwajaaya vidmahae khadga hastaaya dheemahi tanno mandah: prachodayaat.
Om, Let me meditate on him who has crow in his flag,
Oh, He who has a sword in his hand, give me higher intellect,
And let Saneeswara illuminate my mind.
Oh, He who has a sword in his hand, give me higher intellect,
And let Saneeswara illuminate my mind.
om naakadhwajaaya vidmahae padma hastaaya dheemahi tanno raahu: prachodayaat.
Om, Let me meditate on him who has snake in his flag,
Oh, He who has a lotus in his hand, give me higher intellect,
And let Rahu illuminate my mind.
Oh, He who has a lotus in his hand, give me higher intellect,
And let Rahu illuminate my mind.
om aswadhwajaaya vidmahae soola hastaaya dheemahi tanno ketu: prachodayaat.
Om, Let me meditate on him who has horse in his flag,
Oh, He who has a trident in his hand, give me higher intellect,
And let Kethu illuminate my mind.
Oh, He who has a trident in his hand, give me higher intellect,
And let Kethu illuminate my mind.
Om Surya puthraya Vidhmahe Maha Kalaya Dheemahe Thanno Yama Prachodayath.
Om, Let me meditate on the son of Sun God,
Oh, great Lord of time, give me higher intellect,
And let God of death illuminate my mind.
Oh, great Lord of time, give me higher intellect,
And let God of death illuminate my mind.
Om Jala bimbhaya Vidhmahe Nila Purushaya Dheemahe Thanno Varuna Prachodayath.
Om, Let me meditate on the reflection of water,
Oh, person of ocean blue, give me higher intellect,
And let the God of water illuminate my mind.
Oh, person of ocean blue, give me higher intellect,
And let the God of water illuminate my mind.
Om, Let me meditate on the great flame,
Oh, God of fire, give me higher intellect,
And let the Fire God illuminate my mind.
Om Vaiswanaraya Vidhmahe Laaleelaya Dheemahe Thanno Agni Prachodayath.Oh, God of fire, give me higher intellect,
And let the Fire God illuminate my mind.
Om, Let me meditate on the flame that digests,
Oh, merger of all, give me higher intellect,
And let the Fire God illuminate my mind.
Oh, merger of all, give me higher intellect,
And let the Fire God illuminate my mind.
Garuda Gayatri
Om Thathpurushaya Vidhmahe Suvarna Pakshaya Dheemahe Thanno Garuda Prachodayath.
Om, Let me meditate on that great living being,
Oh, Bird with golden wings, give me higher intellect,
And let the God Garuda illuminate my mind
Oh, Bird with golden wings, give me higher intellect,
And let the God Garuda illuminate my mind
Nandi Gayatri
Om Thathpurushaya Vidhmahe Chakrathundaya Dheemahe Thanno Nandi Prachodayath.
Om, Let me meditate on that great living being,
Oh, Lord of devas, give me higher intellect,
And let the God Nandi illuminate my mind
Oh, Lord of devas, give me higher intellect,
And let the God Nandi illuminate my mind
Prithvi Gayatri Mantra
Om Prithivi devyyaya Vidhmahe Sahasra murthaye cha Dheemahe Thanno Prithvi Prachodayath.
Om, Let me meditate on the goddess of earth,
Oh, Goddess who has thousand forms, give me higher intellect,
And let Goddess earth illuminate my mind.
Oh, Goddess who has thousand forms, give me higher intellect,
And let Goddess earth illuminate my mind.
Tulsi Gayatri Mantra
Om Tulsi devyai cha Vidhmahe Vishnu priyayai cha Dheemahe Thanno Brindah Prachodayath.
Om, Let me meditate on the Goddess of Ocimum, Oh, Goddess who is dear to Vishnu, give me higher intellect, And let Brindha illuminate my mind.
Shirdi Sai Gayatri Mantra
Om Shirdi vasaya Vidhmahe Sachithanandaya Dheemahe Thanno Sai Prachodayath.
Om, Let me meditate on the God who lives in Shirdi,
Oh, God who is the ethereal truth and happiness, give me higher intellect,
And let that Sai illuminate my mind.
Oh, God who is the ethereal truth and happiness, give me higher intellect,
And let that Sai illuminate my mind.
Sathya Sai Gayatri Mantra
Om Sri Sayeeswaraya Vidhmahe Sathya Devaya Dheemahe Thanno Sarva Prachodayath.
Om, Let me meditate on the God Sai,
Oh, God who is the truth, give me higher intellect,
And let the God of everything illuminate my mind.
Oh, God who is the truth, give me higher intellect,
And let the God of everything illuminate my mind.
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